팝업레이어 알림

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Helps that people frequently asked Account
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I'd like to change my password.

You may change your password by clicking [Edit Profile] once you log in to the Mad World homepage.

In case you cannot change your password even after entering new password and checking your previous password,

please make sure you correctly entered the numbers at the below required to check you're not a robot.


When I try to start the game, I see a pop-up saying it's a wrong IP and cannot access the game.

The pop-up announcing the error with IP and inability to access the game will appear for various reasons.

For example, the administrator of your network might have blocked the connection to the Jandisoft server.

Or you might be using VPN or proxy or playing at a region where our service is unavailable.

In order to solve this issue, you may take the following steps.

1. Check and see if you're using VPN or proxy to access the game. In case you are, please stop using it and try again.

2. Check and see if you're trying to play at a region where our service is available. If not, you will need VPN to access the game.

Additionally, Mad World does not block IP that is under correct use.

So in case such pop-up and announcement are displayed, please inquire your network administrator or support of the Internet service you're using.


Someone stole and/or used my account. What should I do?

In case someone steals and/or uses your account without your consent, please report it to [Customer Support] for help.

★ Please check the following details.

 - You must make a report within 15 days from the day you suffered damage for us to investigate the case.

 - In case the account you were using belongs to someone else, we cannot provide help even if you make a report.

 - Making a fake report may result in restriction from game service according to our Terms, so please make a report only based on truth.

 - We provide recoveries primarily by retrieving gold and/or crystals from the user(s) that appropriated your account to you. Please be aware that depending on the results of our investigation, the details of the damage and recovery may differ.

 - Please check our [Terms of Service] for more details about damage recovery.

Join/Account Deletion



2023-04-01 Hello! This is the customer support of Mad World!


We hope to send a lot of time together in the future. :D